Tasked with hiding a specific field on the salesLine table in the sales order forms depending on the value of a field on SalesTable I searched for methods and came across: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/f/33/t/168729 I agree with the method of finding the field on the datasource of the formpart however a better method of making the field invisible is to reference formDataSource.object(fieldnum( , )).visible(true/false); instead of actually having to reference the form control. This will make the field visible/invisble anywhere in the form that the field of the datasource is used. In my case it was done like this: private void toggleintraCodeReturn() { PartList pl; int pCount,partdsCount; FormRun part; boolean shown; FormDataSource pfds; FormDataSource fds,partfds; shown = this.currentSalesTable().CustMaterial == NoYes::Yes; if (this.c...
My thoughts on Dynamics AX application development. I have been working as a consultant with Microsoft ERP-technology since 1994. Currently I work at Optimate A/S. My main focus is customization and application development. This blog is merely my place to put stuff that I want to remember. If anybody can benefit from reading this, that's great :0). Feel free to use any code snippets posted - but accept that you do this at your own risk!!!