Tasked with hiding a specific field on the salesLine table in the sales order forms depending on the value of a field on SalesTable I searched for methods and came across:
I agree with the method of finding the field on the datasource of the formpart
however a better method of making the field invisible is to reference
instead of actually having to reference the form control.
This will make the field visible/invisble anywhere in the form that the field of the datasource is used.
In my case it was done like this:
private void toggleintraCodeReturn()
PartList pl;
int pCount,partdsCount;
FormRun part;
boolean shown;
FormDataSource pfds;
FormDataSource fds,partfds;
shown = this.currentSalesTable().CustMaterial == NoYes::Yes;
if (this.currentSalesTable().isFormDataSource())
fds = this.currentSalesTable().dataSource();
pl = new PartList(fds.formRun());
if (pl)
// Getting parts for form
part = pl.getPartById(pCount);
if (part.name() == identifierStr('SalesTableListPagePreviewPane'))
// Getting datasources for part form
fds = part.dataSource(partdsCount);
// Here we got hold of sales lines data source
if (fds.table() == tableNum(SalesLine))
I agree with the method of finding the field on the datasource of the formpart
however a better method of making the field invisible is to reference
instead of actually having to reference the form control.
This will make the field visible/invisble anywhere in the form that the field of the datasource is used.
In my case it was done like this:
private void toggleintraCodeReturn()
PartList pl;
int pCount,partdsCount;
FormRun part;
boolean shown;
FormDataSource pfds;
FormDataSource fds,partfds;
shown = this.currentSalesTable().CustMaterial == NoYes::Yes;
if (this.currentSalesTable().isFormDataSource())
fds = this.currentSalesTable().dataSource();
pl = new PartList(fds.formRun());
if (pl)
// Getting parts for form
part = pl.getPartById(pCount);
if (part.name() == identifierStr('SalesTableListPagePreviewPane'))
// Getting datasources for part form
fds = part.dataSource(partdsCount);
// Here we got hold of sales lines data source
if (fds.table() == tableNum(SalesLine))
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