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Showing posts with the label Form data source debugging

Debugging and inspecting values of the fields in a form datasource

For debugging purposes code that can inspect the values of the fields in a datasource in a form or a report can be quite handy. This is how it can be done in e.g. the active method of the datasource : QueryBuildDataSource qbds; QueryBuildRange qbr; int dsc,dsi,rc,ri; // Get the number of datasource on the query dsc = queryRun.query().dataSourceCount(); // Loop over datasources for (dsi=1;dsi {     qbds = queryRun.query().dataSourceNo(dsi);     info("Table: "+tableid2name(qbds.table()));     rc = qbds.rangeCount();     // Loop over fields     for (ri=1;ri     {         qbr = qbds.range(ri);         info(fieldid2name(qbds.table(),qbr.field())+" value: "+qbr.value());     } }