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Showing posts with the label Dynamics AX 2012 2009 Tablebrowser hidden fields

Showing hidden fields in the table browser

A request for the possibility of showing the contents of hidden fields in Ax tables, using the table browser, made me do a google search, to avoid reinventing the wheel. Sure enough Vilmos Kintera had adressed the problem earlier on And he has done good work. :) Keep it up Vilmos. Running the customized table browser seemed to work fine in AX 2009, however I ran into issues using it in AX 2012. I tested the customized table browser on the table CustTrans, which was the table I first found to contain hidden fields and I got a run-time error. Investigating the problem I found that the reason in seemed to run fine on AX 2009 (using CustTrans table) but failed in AX 2012 on the same table, was due to a small issue that Vilmos hadn't adressed, namely Extended Data Types defined as Arrays. The .ds datasource on the SysTableBrowser form had it's active method customized to populate the new lower grid, ...