Working on a Dynmics AX 4.0, I learned today (from a wizard-level colleague), that overriding the tabChange-method on a tab in a form in Dynamic AX/Axapta, disallows the usersetup of the tab and all of it's children. My problem was that a customer complained that they were not able to make a user setup of the form and add fields to a tab and all tabpages below that tab on the PurchTable-form. The customization: public boolean tabChange(int fromTab) { boolean ok; ; ok = super(fromTab); if (ok) purchTable_ds.lastJournals(); return ok; } had been added to the tab. Seing that the method call PurchTable_ds.lastJournals(); was present in pageActivated-method on the tabpage TabHeaderPostings in the SYS-layer (!), I decided to remove the above customization.
My thoughts on Dynamics AX application development. I have been working as a consultant with Microsoft ERP-technology since 1994. Currently I work at Optimate A/S. My main focus is customization and application development. This blog is merely my place to put stuff that I want to remember. If anybody can benefit from reading this, that's great :0). Feel free to use any code snippets posted - but accept that you do this at your own risk!!!