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Showing posts with the label Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Project Quotation in word format .docx Aspose

Dynamics AX and project quotations in in .docx format

Just finished an assignment making a tool for Dynamics AX 2012R2 for creating project quotations in word, using AX data. The customer is an ETO company manufacturing production lines for slaugtherhouses. The tool should create a quotation file word document (.docx) using a word template (.dotx) prepared in a certain language. This would allow the customer to design the layout of the document in a easy and familiar way. The spec required the quotation to include Budgets with detailed information for each sub project of a main project. Budgets summarized for each sub project of a main project. Scope of supply, which contains short technical descriptions of the included units on the production lines (sub projects) Technical descriptions - a section of the document containing listing (only once for each unit/sub project) complete descriptions with pictures of each included unit The algorithm in short is this: Now the challenge was that for most itemids in the item forecast ...