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Showing posts with the label Dynamics AX 2012 Drop Shipment Synchronizing names salesLine PurchLine

Forcing the Name field of a salesline to be synchronized to the purchline when using Drop shipment

Using non-stock items in the daily business can be handled in Dynamics AX 2012 by using Direct delivery. You can use the Button "Direct delivery" from a sales order you have created, to create a matching purchase order. However if you use the Name field on the salesline to describe the specifications of the item you want to the vendor, the standard functionality does create the matching purchase order lines so that the name of the originating sales line is also used on the sales lines. Direct deliveries are handled so that the inventory transactions of the salesline are marked against the purchline, so I wrote this small script to be able to get the hang of how to find the direct delivery purchaselines from the saleslines records of a sales order. static void Job235(Args _args) {     SalesLine   salesLine;     PurchLine   purchLine;     InventTransOriginSalesLine itosl;     InventTransOriginPurc...