Being in a situation where I needed to determine if a certain AOT-element was included in an installed model, I wonder why Microsoft didn't link the form showing installed models (Help / About Microsoft Dynamics AX / (link) Show installed models) or (Tools / Model management / Models installed) with the form showing Elements in installed models (Tools / Model management / Model elements. Opening the About Dynamics AX form you are able to access the list of installed models in the application, but you can not drill down to the elements included in the model. You'll have to go to the other form and make a filter to view the elements in a model. So I quickly made the attached code project, which simply adds a button (Elements) to the Installed models form, so that you can see a list of the elements included in the model. In the element list you can open the cross reference for each element, to make further drill down as to which elements are using the element included in th...
My thoughts on Dynamics AX application development. I have been working as a consultant with Microsoft ERP-technology since 1994. Currently I work at Optimate A/S. My main focus is customization and application development. This blog is merely my place to put stuff that I want to remember. If anybody can benefit from reading this, that's great :0). Feel free to use any code snippets posted - but accept that you do this at your own risk!!!